Transitioning to renewable energy in Africa
Governments will need well-qualified and knowledgeable public sector lawyers to ensure their legislativeframeworks for renewable and accessible energy are robust to current and future needs. OPF, in collaboration with ILI-SACE, developed a new course that would transfer these skills to African public sector lawyers to help them manage the legal issues of the transition. Image […]
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Transitioning to renewable energy in Sierra Leone
By harnessing its significant unexploited potential for renewable energy generation, SierraLeone has the opportunity to transform its economy and the livelihoods and health of itspeople. A properly adapted legal framework – with the capacity required to implement it –can smooth the transition to renewables and help attract the substantial investment thatthis will require. Photo by […]
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Policy and Pedagogy in Sierra Leone
Education is a basic human right. It is also the fuel of economic growth. According to the OECD, achieving universal basic skills for the population through education would increase the Gross Domestic Product of a lower-middle income country by an average of 28% for each year of an individual’s eighty-year life. This note explores how […]
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A new OPF chapter
2021 has brought a lot of exciting change. Firstly, people are finally receiving the much-longed vaccine for Covid-19, providing some light at the end of the pandemic tunnel. Secondly, the Oxford Policy Fellowship (OPF) would like to announce that four Fellows have successfully completed their postings and we have a new Government partner and two […]
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No Pleasure in the Pathless Woods
The Legal and Implementation Challenges of Tree Planting in Freetown Nestled between the Atlantic Ocean and the forested Lion Mountains, Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, was originally planned to house 300,000 people. But the 1991-2002 civil war triggered a massive influx of people from the provinces and the city is now crowded far beyond […]
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The Covid-19 pandemic
How OPF Fellows supported host governments’ responses and readiness for recovery At its core, the Oxford Policy Fellowship (OPF) is a listening institution. It respondsto requests from low- and middle-income country (LMIC) governments for legal andpolicy technical advisors (TAs) to help achieve the country’s development priorities.In early 2020, OPF had 15 Fellows posted in eight […]
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Providing legal and policy advice during the Covid-19 pandemic
Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, the Oxford Policy Fellowship (OPF) has worked to provide government partners in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) with vital support as they respond to the pandemic and develop long-term recovery plans. In our latest Story of Change, we outline how we have collaborated with government partners through these challenging times. The […]
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Fellows successfully complete their postings
At the end of 2020, Fellows from cohort 4 left their host ministries after two years of impactful work. They are now continuing their journey providing legal and policy perspectives within the international development field. The four Fellows started their fellowships in 2018, embarking on varied roles as civil servants in their host governments. Working […]
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Revisiting technical assistance
Evidence-based learning This report is an evidence-based exploration of the Oxford Policy Fellowship (OPF) model of technical assistance. It presents a summary of learnings from the OPF Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) data collected from 2015 to 2019. The report draws upon bi-monthly Fellow Reflection Diaries, Key Informant Interviews, and quantitative Time Entry data.
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Towards a ‘Tobacco-Free’ Sierra Leone
Launching new Tobacco Control Legislation OPF has helped Sierra Leone to introduce a raft of progressive health policies and legislation. This note tells the story of a participatory process to develop the legal basis for greatly reducing tobacco demand among citizens – and of the significant health benefits and economic savings that ensue.
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